
2007-01-03 9:45 pm
The size of a farm was decreased by 20%. The farmer then used new fertilizers and better seeds so that the yield per unit area was increased by 30%. What was the percentage change in the total yield of the farm?

回答 (2)

2007-01-03 10:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Let y m^2 be the original size of the farm
% change={[y(1-20%)](1+30%)-y}/y x100%
=[0.8y(1.3)-y]/y x100%
=(1.04y-y)/y x100%
=y(1.04-1)/y x100% 抽common factor y出黎,之後約左佢

p.s. 唔洗solve個y出黎,,,因為你既目的係計% change
呢個已經係full step!
跟住寫番 新減舊除舊x100% 條式出黎,,,人地就會知你計緊咩(最好寫埋% change就萬冇一失)

2007-01-03 14:06:25 補充:
唔記得左仲有個重要既step,,,冇佢就死記得寫conclution呀!!!4% was increased in the total yield of the farm.(正既就increase,,,負既就decrease,,,咁樣會清楚d)
參考: me
2007-01-03 9:56 pm
[(1 - 20%)(1 + 30%) - 1] x 100%
= (0.8 x 1.3 - 1) 100%
= (1.04 - 1) x 100%
= 4% (increased)

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