2007-01-03 8:52 pm
剛完成account degree想繼續進修,但對會計方面的專業學會完全沒有認識
1)hkicpa and acca有何分別
3)total有幾張paper?需要幾耐才能完成?how much?

回答 (1)

2007-01-12 2:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你係major account in hk or oversea?
if in hk~你應該可以入firm直接考QP...

ACCA 係英國特許會計師公會試 ,你可以由 LEVEL 1 開始讀 ,LEVEL 1 有 Paper 1.1 - 1.3 , 而 Level 2 就有 2.1 - 2.6 ,到左 Level 3 就 3.1 - 3.7 (考其中五張) ,考哂 level 1- 3, 就可以去 HKICPA 申請取得 香港專業會計師執照, 但係 2007 HKICPA 唔認
AIA 都係會計師試其中一個 ,但係你而家考左香港都唔會認你 ,仲有之前考左都可以取得 HKICPA 發出既香港專業會計師執照 , 但係而家無用
其實最終你都係想取到 香港專業會計師 ,入到 ICPA 個會 ,我認為你想係香港發展就最好考 QP, 老細都知會睇你有咩經驗同埋有咩資格

係hk發展就of coz 係hkicpa la~

你係hk 的account degree
4張~@$4000 + final exam$1800
d人快的話grad左後1-2年,但都有人慢慢黎~攤開3-4年,and d paper 要你上workshop...都計分的....

之前有架...@_@佢會有(公開的)assembly 比d 中學生...
但呢排唔知~~sorr ^^lll

可以的話還是返去問返自己個lect or 相熟tutor...
maybe 可以send e-mail問下...or 上佢個web site 留意下~~

if 你唔係hk student
Candidates with Non-Hong Kong Degrees

For candidates who have obtained their tertiary qualifications from universities outside Hong Kong, to be eligible for registration with the Institute, they must:

i have a 'relevant degree' granted by a 'recognised non-Hong Kong tertiary institution' AND have acquired sufficient knowledge of Hong Kong law and tax; OR

ii have a degree granted by a 'recognised non-Hong Kong tertiary institution' AND have completed a HKICPA accredited Conversion Programme.

A 'relevant degree' means a degree with academic coverage of accounting and related subjects which substantially meets the graduate competency standards required by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA). As a matter of guidance, the HKICPA will establish whether the degree is relevant or not by reference to a recognised accountancy body, where appropriate. Non-Hong Kong qualification will be assessed by the Institute on a case-by-case basis. Please refer to the information sheet 'QP applicants with non-Hong Kong degrees' for further details.

2007-01-12 06:12:58 補充:
但要入左firm 先可以take qp exam,this period 你仲要係同一間公司儲3年相關的工作經驗先可以入icpa 架~
參考: myself

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