
2007-01-03 7:16 pm
The profit of a company had been decreasing by 10% every year from 1999 to 2003. In 2004, the profit had increased by 50%. So the directors thought that the profit had returned to the level in 1998. Do you think they were correct? Why?


回答 (4)

2007-01-03 7:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Let the profit made in 1998 be $y

In 2003, profit is:

y ( 1-10%)( 1-10%)( 1-10%)( 1-10%)( 1-10%)
=y x 0.9^5

In 2004, the profit is:
0.59049y (1+50%)
=0.59049x1.5 y
not equal to y

So, he is not correct.
2007-01-03 7:38 pm
Let the profit in 1998 be $x
The profit gain in 2003 will be = x [ (1-10%)^5] ( "^" = 次方 )

the profit gain in 2004 = x [ (1-10%)^5] (1+50%)
= 0.89 x
The profit gain in 2004 is only 89% of the level in 1998.
Therefore the directors are not correct.
2007-01-03 7:36 pm
Profit x 0.9^5 x 1.5
= Profit x 0.59049 x 1.5
= Profit x 0.885735
-> Less than 1998 Profit!
The directors are wrong since 2004 Profit is less than 1998 by decreasing 11.5% as a whole.

1999 to 2003 equals 5yrs
so, 0.9^5 (decrease 10% each yr)
increase 50% = 1.5

參考: myself
2007-01-03 7:32 pm
其實 你應該已猜到不可能相等
因為佢減少以複利息 講多無謂 行動最實際

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