(1/3) 中譯英 ~~急 ~~

2007-01-03 6:41 pm
1)請知悉依個郵件我真係第一次收到,同埋X月X日個時已經查過XX公司佢地都無收過妳o既電郵 ~~

2) 請知悉由於到現在為止我地都未收哂妳的cmmts ,所以工廠趕唔切係X月X日前走貨 ~~因為佢地無足夠時間生產 ~~ 現我司希望可以延遲依幾批貨到 X月X日少走貨 !! 我都明白延期可能對妳地黎講好困難 ~~不過希望妳地可以接受同埋我地會盡能力催促工廠加緊生產出貨 ~~

回答 (1)

2007-01-03 7:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1)請知悉依個郵件我真係第一次收到,同埋X月X日個時已經查過XX公司佢地都無收過妳o既電郵 ~~

Please note that this is the first time I have recived this mail. We have also checked with XX company that they have never received your mail either.

2) 請知悉由於到現在為止我地都未收哂妳的cmmts ,所以工廠趕唔切係X月X日前走貨 ~~因為佢地無足夠時間生產 ~~ 現我司希望可以延遲依幾批貨到 X月X日少走貨 !! 我都明白延期可能對妳地黎講好困難 ~~不過希望妳地可以接受同埋我地會盡能力催促工廠加緊生產出貨 ~~

Since we have never received your comments, our factory will not be able to delivery the bulk (goods) on or before dd/mm/yy due to the limited time constraint. We would like to extend the delivery date for (style no.) to dd/mm/yy. We understand that this may cause a serious inconvenience for you, but we do hope that you can approve / allow the extension as we will try our best to rush out the bulk as early as possible.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 22:04:03
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