For my friend, fakeandfailure

2007-01-03 3:14 pm
Check our Dr. Thomas Leung 梁燕城博士, a Christian philosopher

Any other Christians would like to provide my friend with an answer regarding to philosophy vs. Christianity or philosophers vs. Christians?
(So many M.Phil. & Ph.D. in the world I do not believe that only a couple of them are Christians!!)

The Bible says when ppl seek, God answers. It's our turn to contribute to the Kingdom and glorify God brothers and sisters! Let's show the world that not all Christians are ignorant, stupid, unintelligent and stubborn, or so-called 盲基.


One thing to point out... I did not name a so-called 權威人士 for fakeandfailure because I do not believe that academic or other kinds of achievement of a particular individual can support or deny Christianity or God.


Dr. Leung is still an ordinary man regardless of the acheivement so we do not need to take his studies or other accomplishments or even his personal life like he is God (like he has to be perfect and such). Do not idolize anyone or anything.

更新4: Thanks Anthony and patonking. This question is an extension of the two questions above. Fakeandfailure was trying to get people to think critically and so do I!


Anthony if you have time would you please read the article fakeandfailure posted? I do not know who 勞思光教授 is but I cannot agree with him at all. Do u see anything wrong or any problem with his premise of the article? The argument is unbelievably weak to me.


Paton I totally agree with u that the more educated ppl are not necessarily the more critical thinkers. That’s why although I do not agree with most of the thing u say, I am really grateful to see people like u & fakeandfailure who are motivated to think. Honestly, I do not like to see 盲基 too.


I personally would love to be able to type Chinese but I dont know how, plus I express better in English (I am raised in Canada) that’s why I am stuck with English; it has nothing to do with my 學歷. I only have a brief understanding of Daoism and Daode Jing so I have no comment regarding to玄天上帝.

回答 (2)

2007-01-03 7:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案




2007-01-03 7:29 pm
Science challenges and religion sometimes not able to cross track.
As well, philosophical studies are shown in a strong link with social behavior, which, in a large extend, is a scientific study.
I personally do not agree that it is an appropriate way to ‘force’ religion to link with science researches.

Psychological impact for a person to brief in an idealolistic happening does not yield a ‘prove’. No matter how hard scholars and wise men try to explain, there will be holes, still, waiting to be filled. It is nice to see human being trying hard to search for answers, but we have to accept and believe there are philosophical thoughts cannot be explained at this moment of time. This may be the major different between realistic happening before our human eyes versus spiritual believes going on in our brain.

Christians or Catholics or any followers of any other religion are basically following the same track, we do whole heartedly trust what we believe. These beliefs are shown on our day-to-day language, action, behavior, and interaction with others. If we are doing the right thing, acting the correct way, speaking the appropriate words, influencing others (both non-believers and the society) positively, which we have a strong back up (God and bible), don't you think these are much stronger prove than the trillion words from philosophers?

The key to open up a person's mind still always stay within the person himself/herself. In order for people to believe, seeing is to believe. Right?

Welcome to discuss.

參考: Personal thoughts

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