很急的* Ghost In The Guitar...

2007-01-03 11:15 am
我想問下Ghost In The Guitar依1本書系講D咩架?!


回答 (1)

2007-01-03 3:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I haven't read this book before, found this site, hope can help you.


2007-01-03 19:31:12 補充:
http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=7006121901332They know the story, try send them a email.

2007-01-03 19:36:32 補充:
故事簡介:湯姆原本吉他彈的不怎麼樣,可是自從在舊貨店裡買了一把舊吉他之後,他就變了,只要一拿起吉他,脾氣就會變得很暴躁,但吉他卻彈的非常好,他的朋友們都大惑不解,當湯姆的女朋友得知這把吉他原來的主人的悲慘遭遇之後,她非常的害怕,因為歷史似乎正在重演。評論:故事相當精采,而且有很多青少年流行文化的用語。Info: http://www.hchs.hc.edu.tw/ceec/readerhouse/caves/penguin/ghost-guitar.html

2007-01-03 19:36:38 補充:
封底英文介紹:Katy and her boyfriend Tom are happy in their band, Steel City. Then the trouble starts. Tom's mood changes every time he touches his new guitar, but he plays brilliantly! When Katy learns about the guitar's past owner, she is very frightened. Will history repeat itself?

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