
2007-01-03 9:46 am
看過這裹有關芝士的火煱的知識, 還有些提問...

a. 大部份的食譜多以酒精做湯底, 但我男朋友對酒會敏感, 看到回答提問的人都說可用奶代替, 但是否用一般的鮮奶, 維記? 紅十字? 會不會用某一種奶可令湯底更濃滑?

回答 (2)

2007-01-13 1:58 am
Don't suggest 雞湯 (the taste does not match the cheese). Suggest using cream and milk, added to the two types of cheese: Emmental and Gruyere
2007-01-03 10:13 am
你最好就係去磚門店買special milk...don't buy the cheap,it can't make some good 芝士火煱的~OK??" ^.^
參考: myself

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