
2007-01-03 8:33 am
7.I need to sleep _____ 30 min ??


回答 (5)

2007-01-03 8:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
7. The answer is d

I need to sleep in 30 mins

2007-01-03 6:40 pm
I need to sleep IN 30 min.

I am very sleepy so I have to go to bed in 30 minutes (or rightaway)
參考: SELF
2007-01-03 10:22 am
First Floor is right.
` in ` is the correct answer.
2007-01-03 9:22 am
请相信 japanyuji, 答案是d.

如果你答了a, 那你真的是over了!
2007-01-03 8:50 am
The answer is

a. over 超過

I need to sleep _over_ 30 min ......我需要睡超過30分鐘
(over a certain of time......e.g. over 2 years )

b. between ....兩點(時間之間)......e.g. between 01:00 and 06:00

c. on ....a day ......e.g. on Sunday

d. in ... a (longer) period of time......e.g. in July

對於 preposition 用於時間..
-> at a point of time ......e.g. at 12:00

P.S. derek_leekingon
也答過 "at/on/in/....係咩時間用?點用?"

at on 同in 分別都係時間介詞
即係preposition of time
at on in有唔同既運用方法

1. at-- 表示準確的時間或節日
e.g at 4:00 , at noon, at this moment, at present, at midnight
at sunset, at dawn, at Christmas, at New year

2. on-- 表示一個特殊的時間或日期
e.g on her birthday, on Chirstmas Eve, on Thrusday, on Friday morning,
on a cold day, on September 10, 1994

3. in-- 表示某一時間或時段
e.g in 1990, in March, in the morning, in the past, in the future, in the afternoon
in a week, in two months

2007-01-03 00:54:50 補充:
ref. for using "in" 7. 在...期間;在...以後He'll come back in a week.他將於一週之後回來。I haven't met her in a long time.我好長時間沒有遇見她了。

2007-01-03 01:56:38 補充:
I have ever see someone use sth. like "I need to sleep _IN_ 30 min" before...I do not know it it is rightin this case, in ~ within (if it is right)....and I know it's more meaningful..but after checking from the info. on the web...I put my answers here***請高人指點!!***

2007-01-03 01:58:16 補充:
I've just found,e) 另, 在未說明具體 (時刻) 或 (日期) , 而只是說 (未來的某個時候)的場合, 亦要用in 來表達Eg: She is coming here in an hour.He wants to be a detective in the future. that both a and d correct? or just d?

2007-01-03 23:49:10 補充:
I've just asked a English teacher,She said "d" should be the best answer!! (and I agree)although "a" is grammatically correct but the meaning is so strange..

2007-01-05 00:46:49 補充:
Sorry! English teacher..

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