Why am i such a player?

2007-01-03 12:53 am
I met this chick just this weekend and already she said that she wants to date and that we were ment to be together and **** like that and she wants to have sex wit me... of course bein a dude i said what the hell..... Why not.......... but.... i've been leading this chick on that i like her when rele i dont.... so whats my best way of tell either of them no with out gettin slapped

回答 (14)

2007-01-03 12:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
I used to think I was a player...then I realized that I was just dating sIuts.
2007-01-03 12:55 am

Your alarm just went off.

Time for school.
2007-01-03 1:30 am
rejection is a part of life she`ll get over it. just sugar coat the situation so it wont sting so bad.
2007-01-03 1:03 am
don't you know that what goes around comes around... think about this the next time you wonder about why your really single :) :) :)
2007-01-03 1:02 am
Tell them you've discovered you're gay.

Men are so slutty! Get a grip on yourself. Casual (+ safe!) sex is fine, as long as you're not hurting anyone and/or sleeping with someone under false pretenses.

No person- man or woman- likes a partner who's been around. Especially one that gets a reputation as a heart-breaker.

Chill out, enjoy life and see women as people rather than a box with a hole in it.

Often the ones who find themselves sleeping around just so happen to be lacking in the personality department. Maybe you find yourself behaving this way towards women because desire and sex is the only thing you feel you have in common with them because you have nothing else to offer. Take it easy and stop living your life through your pants! Maybe get some hobbies, or learn to share your hobbies with female friends etc.
2007-01-03 1:00 am
Man dude, You are a guy...so u had to say YES? Umm.. I know guy's that said know to gurl's. And I am sure they were no players. I don't think your a player. I think your were just sad if ou made her feel bad. Just break it to her. That you don't like her. And maybe it will work another time. But, Damn guy's say no. And gurl's are player's too. When she asked crap like that and u wanna say no. Dont say anything. That is wut I do. I no it is rude but it doesnt make anything worse and crap.
Good luck!
I'm sure ur a great guy!
2007-01-03 1:00 am
first off stop and really think about what your doing, cause sooner or later karma is going to get you, and you'll be the one getting hurt. just tell them that you dont want to talk to her, or dont call her and avold her.
good luck guy.
2007-01-03 12:59 am
pls get a hold off your self, if you keep treating girls like dirt you be left cold and lonely, guys are branded with cheat, user and loser.
2007-01-03 12:58 am
if she put it out there and you said yes that is what your relationship is based on,her chasing you and you running with your pants around your ankles,,there is no shame in saying no,,im busy.if you dont like her dont wait until she thinks you and her are an item,,end it now,,any excuse will do and whatever you do you will be a pig in her eyes anyway but if she leads this life what can she expect,,those around her have to help her see this is no way to get a real boyfriend,you are just someone she will forget.
2007-01-03 12:58 am
Tell them this:

Hey, I've got this problem in my life..... like, I really like you, but there is this other chick that I'm like, head over heels about. I wanna be fair to you, but I need to be true to myself.

Give them this line and they will tell you to seek your dreams and they will drop you easily and they will think its their idea!
2007-01-03 12:57 am
there's no escaping the slap now. Maybe you can be lucky with a kick in the balls or just a normal slap.
2007-01-03 12:57 am
tell her that you dont want to make her seem like a s l u t or something....and tell her that if she want to keep her dignity that she should get to know you more of course that may result in a slap... just tell her you dont feel the same way
2007-01-03 12:55 am
Tell her you don't feel the relationship is gonna go anywhere without being friends first.
2007-01-03 12:55 am
nah. it's not your fault. it's hard to say no sometimes.

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