
2007-01-03 6:57 am
廢 物 收 集 及 處 置 系 統
家 居 通 常 經 清 潔工 人 收 集 , 再 運 往 公 共 / 私 營 垃 圾 收集 站 。 這 些 家 居 廢 物 和 街 道 上 收 集 的廢 物 , 由 食 物 環 境 衛 生 處 運 到 垃 圾 轉運 站 , 再 轉 運 往 堆 填 區 作 最 終 棄 置 。至 於 工 商 業 廢 物 , 主 要 由 私 營 廢 物 收集 商 收 集 。


回答 (2)

2007-01-03 7:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
The waste collection and the handling system

For Household, normally collects by the sanitation worker, and then transport to public / private waste collection station. These household waste and waste collected from the street are transported to the waste transfer post by the public health department and then transfer to the junkyard as a final destination. As for the industry and commerce waste, mainly connects by privately owned waste collection business

~ waste collection and handling system operation process ~
2007-01-03 7:08 am
The discard collects and handles system
The house resides usually through sweep a worker collections, again carry to public/the privately owned garbage collect a station. These discards that reside the discard and street to collect up is carried by the food environmental hygiene to the garbage transport station, transporting again toward heap to fill area to make final dump on.As for the industry and business industry discard, main by the privately owned discard collections business collections.
助人為快樂之本 呵呵^-^v
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