ln 0=?

2007-01-03 6:23 am
雖然我地學ln 0應該係undefined, 但係如果從limit既角度去睇係咪負無限呢?

回答 (2)

2007-01-03 6:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
負無限 "免強" 都可以當一個 "數字" 計,但 ln 0 完全不能加諸任何有意義運算,所以只能說 undefined.
2007-01-10 7:42 pm

你要明白 , 點解一樣野要undefined , 但係有d野唔洗

for example , 0/1 = 0 呢樣野唔洗undefined , 因為佢不證自明 , 仲要係冇反駁的地方

而1/無限 = xxx , 你可以話xxx=0 , 但係 0x無限就唔可以話係1 or any value , 所以佢係undefined

同理 , 按limit既角度去睇 , ln 0 可以係-無限 , 但係我地將個負號調去對面 , -ln0同時係ln(0^-1) , 即係 ln ( 1/0 ) , 之前講過 1/0已經undefined , ln左佢都會係

由此可見 , 在logic上 , 我認為ln0 = -無限係true , 但係數學上就undefined , 若果有d類似微積分的問題 , 我絕對唔排除出現ln0這類怪物 , 但係真的要計的話(好似係計y=1/x , 由a到0的area) 我肯定會當ln0係0 la~


when you are talking integral y=1/x , 由a到0的area) , you can't find the area because ln0 is undefined. And you can quickly draw the curve that the area is tends to negative infinity, which is unbounded, so you can't treat ln0 to be 0!!!
參考: study maths in university

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