關於英國劍橋大學的veterinary school === (20點)

2007-01-03 5:58 am
我想請問入Cambridge Veterinary School要有什麼資格的?
在HKCEE / AL要怎樣的grade?

回答 (2)

✔ 最佳答案
英文成績是最最重要的,如HKCEE 或 AL 成績不好, 
If you are interested in admission to the University of Cambridge to study for a postgraduate degree at the Veterinary School, look at our Graduate Research Studies page.

The Veterinary School is part of the Graduate School of Biological, Medical and Veterinary Sciences

Those who have a good first degree (from the UK or abroad) in a science subject may be exempt from 1 or very exceptionally two years of this degree, but the number of places for this type of entry is severely limited. Please direct all enquiries about admission to study Veterinary Clinical Medicine.

The University of Cambridge Veterinary School Trust is a charity dedicated to raising funds in support of the Cambridge Veterinary School and Queen's Veterinary Hospital and their aim of providing the best in animal healthcare.

For more information or to make a donation please contact:

University of Cambridge Veterinary School Trust
Madingley Road
Cambridge CB3 0ES
T: +44 1223 337630 / 764475
F: +44 1223 766694
E-mail: [email protected]
參考: Admissions Officer (Telephone: 01223 330811)
2007-01-03 7:36 am

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