
2007-01-03 5:53 am
有了5個月,可否坐飛機? ( 4~5小時機程 ) 謝回答!!

回答 (3)

2007-01-03 2:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我有咗3個幾月時坐過, 飛香港<>三籓市, 十幾個鐘都ok. 驚就最好問過自己個婦產科, 始終個個情況唔同, 就算人人話ok都係問過醫生放心d.

2007-01-03 07:12:06 補充:
2007-01-03 3:01 pm
We lived in UK. My wife had pregnant when the baby was about 3 mths. We travelled from UK to HK (12 hrs direct flight). Then we flew back from HK to UK after 1 month stayed in HK (we even went to Thailand during that time). The doctor here said no problem anytime between after first and last 3 mths. ie 3 - 6 mths ok.

Of couse, I would suggest you to consult your doctor.
2007-01-03 6:16 am
理論上, 每人的體質是不同, 最好請教醫生,

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