有關canon ip1200的墨~~

2007-01-03 4:10 am
我想問下canon ip1200除左用cl-40同cl-41之外..仲可以用d咩墨牙?!

回答 (2)

2007-01-03 4:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
BROTHER 高質代用墨水 回饋客戶$30一支任何型號
2007-01-04 1:34 am
the link model is CL-40 and CL-41, but you can try the CANON 連續供墨系統40+41 as well.

Like this: http://duopule.diytrade.com/sdp/443308/3/pd-2464930/2210575-1284726.html

You can get one at Wan Chai 298 computer shopping center

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