How to justify a fund's performance

2007-01-03 3:11 am
When I approaching bank staffs, they offer me some fund leaflets, there are so many numbers and figures, performacne %, comments, and chats. I want to ask do any one of you can tell me which informaiton is the first two or three to look into? and whcih informaiton is the most useful to justify whether the fund manager did well in past years?


回答 (2)

2007-01-03 4:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
基金的表現是否出色, 通常會用以下兩種方式作比較:

1. 與同類基金作比較:
不同的基金公司會有一些相類似的基金, 但成績各有參差. 如一基金過往幾年的表現都落後於其它基金, (例: 如大部份同類基金過往數年都有15% 以上升幅, 而其中一隻每年都只有單位數字的增長) 就代表該基金經理的表現不濟.

2. 與基準作比較
與大市是否同步或跑嬴大市. (例: 如恒生指數該年升20%, 香港股票類的基金應有20%或以上的升幅). 如一基金連續數年都比大市差, 亦應考慮購入另一隻基金.


可add msn or email me: [email protected] 一起討論.
2007-01-03 9:11 am
I believe you should studied the elements of the fund instead looking into the past performance. You may want to studied which specific categories that the fund is invested on, such as financial, industrial, consumer etc.
for chart and comment, almost all the fund manager will say they will look good in this market, blah blah blah, if not, how to attract you to buy the fund. And for the chart, basically it wants to show how the economic cycle works.

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