
2007-01-03 2:19 am

回答 (1)

2007-01-03 2:22 am
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What date is origin of Christmas Christmas Day such as origin on earth in birthday in Jesus, do not in fact have it according to checking early. Why determine December 25 as Christmas Day? This was taught stipulating in the 5th century middle period. A.D. 354, indicate for the first time that December 25 is Jesus' birthday in " the Philippine Lip river card is connected the calendar with ", the west generally accepted this date is Christmas Day by the 5th century. The Christmas tree is contended, the Christmas tree appeared in the agricultural supernatural festival in mid-December of ancient Rome first, German missionary Buddhist nun Goose enshrined and worship the holy baby with the vertical tree in the 8th century. Afterwards, Germen regard December 24 as the festivals of Adam and Eve, at home it it is of symbolizing DengYuan Ai to put " paradise tree ",on cooky, representative of wafer will be hung, symbolize and atone for one's crime; Still light the candle, symbolize Christ. By the 16th century, the religion reformer Martin Luther, in order to try to get the Christmas night of a piece of a star-studded sky, design and lie in home fixes up a Christmas tree containing candle. However, another kind of popular statement of origin about the Christmas tree in the west: There is a kindhearted peasant , on Christmas Day , entertained a vagrant child warmly, when at parting, child roll over branch the next insert in ground branch long Cheng DaShu immediately, the child points to this tree and says to peasants, today of every year, all covered with the present on the trees, in order to repay your hospitality. So, always the full small present hung on people today Christmas tree being seen.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 19:59:18
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