大家 喜歡 OR 不喜歡 何韻詩的原因

2007-01-03 1:27 am
大家 喜歡 OR 不喜歡 何韻詩的原因

回答 (6)

2007-01-04 1:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
喜歡何韻詩因為欣賞佢對音樂好有熱誠, 有音樂才華, 識唱歌, 有自己0既風格. 真係好用心去做每一張唱片, 好用心去唱每一首歌, Li d絕對聽得出.

成一話佢扮梅姐0既人, 請問佢除0左天生把聲似梅姐之外, 仲有d咩係似梅姐0架呢? 聲線係天生0既, 冇得扮. 佢形象係同梅姐一樣都好百變, 但係梅姐0個種係女性化d, 係比較grand d. 但係何韻詩形象係比較wild 潮d. 再者, 何韻詩0既音樂係好rock + band sound 0個種, 同梅姐0既曲風根本完全唔一樣, 何來扮梅姐呀? 不過如果你係先入為主, 對何韻詩有偏見, 對人唔對事, 純粹係睇佢唔順眼0既話, 咁冇0野好講.
2007-05-04 1:35 am
佢唱歌好聽! 有感情!
個樣唔洗講! 靚!!
份人又直, 唔似得其他歌手收收埋埋!
2007-02-06 7:08 am
2007-01-11 5:30 am
i am not her fans. But i still so like her. coz she really can present her real character to the audience. She can do her music by her preference which is not restricted by her music producer. In 2005, her 舞臺劇 really can prove that she carries strong power, her talent and potential in music. I think it is so hard to find one singer in HK can perform better than her.

I dun like that she is too thin. i hope she will fat a little bit...it will be good look for her.
參考: myself
2007-01-04 6:02 am
I'm not her fans but I like her because she is so serious to singing her song!! (I can feel that!!)
參考: myself
2007-01-03 1:32 am
喜歡原因 :
唱歌都ok 幾好聽 負面新聞亦不多


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