Runescape---Def lvl有o羊用

2007-01-03 12:54 am
Runescape---Def lvl有o羊用

回答 (3)

2007-01-06 4:03 pm
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def is kind of important.

You can use different shield if your def lvl is high.

Or when you fight mosters, if you have enough def lvl to wear the shield, higher type of shield will be better such as rune kite shield is better than wooden shield.

Also it can help you raise your combat lvl.
參考: me,,
2007-01-03 2:37 am
如果你諗住成日去 player killing 既話,
其實 def 都幾重要, 若果你係 melee 有高既 def lvl,
就算你唔夠打, 人地都唔會扣得你太多 hp...
2007-01-03 1:03 am
Def lvl=防禦力lvl

Def lvl高ge話,人地打你就唔會減咁多hp

有d shield 要你ge Def lvl 達某一級先可以用

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