
2007-01-03 12:12 am
音樂,籃球,足球都係我間學校既強項 <<呢句英文點寫?
我期望今年d成績可以考得好d同埋攞多d獎 <<呢句英文點寫?

回答 (4)

2007-01-03 12:17 am
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音樂,籃球,足球都係我間學校既強項 <<呢句英文點寫?
My school is good at many activities, such as music, basketball and football.

我期望今年d成績可以考得好d同埋攞多d獎 <<呢句英文點寫?
I wish this year I can get a better result in my examinations and get more prizes!
2007-01-03 1:00 am
My school excels in music, basketball and football/soccer.

My goal this year is to accomplish better marks and acheive more awards.

I am Canadian=)
2007-01-03 12:18 am
In my school music,basketball and football is my top.
I hope my results is better and take many reward.
2007-01-03 12:15 am
Music, basketball and soccer are all strong points of my school.
I anticipate that I get good results this year and get more awards.

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