What is the difference between ...

2007-01-02 11:44 pm
"It + is + adjective + pronoun + to inf " and "It + is + adj+ that " ?

Help Pls !!

回答 (1)

2007-01-02 11:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我諗你嘅"It + is + adjective + pronoun + to inf "  應該係
"It + is + adjective +of+ pronoun + to inf "

"It + is + adjective +of+ pronoun + to inf "係要黎形容人
it is nice of her to help the elderly.

"It + is + adj+ that " 係要黎形容事件/事物
it is nonsensical(無意義的) that the government decides to improve the air qualilty without action.

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