
2007-01-02 11:27 pm
話有一日Mrs Cheung係National Bank對面等車....Mrs Cheung突然見到2個囉住槍同一個袋既賊,,入左去National Bank到....Mrs 見到佢地入左去之後,,,用槍指住個D銀行職員同個到D人....叫佢地囉曬D錢出黎....過左一陣...佢見到個2個賊出返黎...仲上左一架車走左....而個車牌係(WC1511)...之後...Mrs Cheung就打電話報警...成功咁將個2個賊捉到.....



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2007-01-03 12:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
One day, a lady called Mrs. Cheung was waiting for a bus opposite the National Bank as usual after she had finished her shopping. Suddenly she caught sight of two suspicious men getting out of a car, carrying guns and a bag entering the bank. Mrs. Cheung could just about see the two robbers pointing their guns at the bank staff and customers. The two robbers told the people inside the bank to give them all of their money. Mrs. Cheung was shocked and could only watch helplessly. A while later the two robbers ran out of the bank; they jumped inside a car which they left outside previously. Mrs. Cheung memorized the car's number plate which was 'WC 1511' and quickly called the police. She told them what she had witnessed and the police immediately chased after them. After an enduring chase, the police finally arrested the two robbers. They then awarded Mrs. Cheung an honor of good citizenship.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 20:00:33
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