
2007-01-02 9:34 pm
我既目標係可以起學界比賽中攞到獎 <<呢句英文點寫?

回答 (7)

2007-01-02 9:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我會譯成:My goal is winning a medal in inter-school competition.


頭兩個答案簡直是英文直譯中文, 錯處百出, 請不要累人, 例如:

My Target is i can in competition of the school sport to get a prize.

"is I can in competition..." 這是什麼文法, 完全不通順。
"school sport" 並不等如學界比賽
"get a prize" 意思係「攞獎」, 但而家唔係大抽獎囉!


My target is that I can get an award during the academic meet (competition).

運動的獎牌是 medal, 唔係 award, 最佳演員就係 best actor award

"academic meet" 倒不如直接講係 inter-school competition, 即係學界比賽


過份, 英文唔好的人唔該唔好累人!!!!!


2007-01-02 13:49:54 補充:
"My target is get a prize in competition in the school sport."文法錯!is 之後不能寫 get, 應該係 getting, 或者更好的係 winning贏獎牌, 唔係「攞獎牌」 

2007-01-02 13:51:33 補充:
"I accurate goal is exist competition have awarded ."錯!開首唔會用 I, 應該係 My「我的目標」, 不是「我目標」唔該大家唔好直譯啦! 

2007-01-02 13:54:30 補充:
上面四個答案十分錯, 看來答題者是用翻譯 software 翻譯的, 完全不合文法!!!!比小學三年級的英文水準還要低!!!.\_/. 英文唔好唔緊要, 但唔識唔好扮識, ok? 

2007-01-02 13:56:21 補充:
順帶一提, 如果係講關於運動上的個人目標, 用 Goal 這個字最適合不過, 因為有追求勝利, 達至成功的意思。而 Target 沒有錯, 但沒有 Goal 這個字那麼好。 
2007-01-02 10:17 pm
I am aiming to win a prize in inter-school sports competition.
My target is to win some prizes in inter-school sports competition.
參考: SELF
2007-01-02 9:53 pm
My target is to obtain an award on inter-school level.

2007-01-03 19:35:16 補充:
2007-01-02 9:43 pm
I accurate goal is exist competition have awarded .
參考: 個人
2007-01-02 9:42 pm
My target is get a prize in competition in the school sport.
2007-01-02 9:40 pm
My target is that I can get an award during the academic meet (competition).
2007-01-02 9:39 pm
My Target is i can in competition of the school sport to get a prize.

2007-01-02 13:40:42 補充:
還有可以咁寫:My Target is i can in New Territories Inter-Secondary Schools Competition to get a prize.
參考: 自己

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