
2007-01-02 7:53 pm


回答 (2)

2007-01-03 6:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
to love = aimer

loved = a aimé

to be loved = pour être a aimé

i miss you = je s'ennuient de vous

thinking of you all the time = pensant à vous toute l'heure

it would be wonderful to have you = il serait merveilleux pour vous avoir
2007-01-04 3:02 pm
I don't know how to express these 3 sentences in beautiful french, my french is not that brilliant.....but the answer provided by the previous post is not correct that's for sure coz the grammar is all...wrong...

1) as a noun = l'amour, verb = aimer (infinitive), to be loved = etre aime <- with accent aigue on the 'e', so 1) could be translated as aimer et etre aime (with accent on the e)
2) dont really know how to say it in beautiful french, sorry...
3) Je pense a toi ( I think of you), toujours (always)
so... je pense toujours a toi...
its not the best french but at least grammatically correct...
better ask experts or native french speakers about idioms...sorry

2007-01-04 07:04:11 補充:
Or if you wanna use the polite form, can change 'toi' to 'vous'i miss you = tu me manques or vous me manquez

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