F.1 數學(英文)

2007-01-02 6:16 pm
96 passengers got off a train from Hong Kong at Shenzhen. 75% of the remaining passengers got off at Guangzhou . Finally 76 passengers were still on the train .

(a) Find the number of passengers on the train when the train left Shenzhen .

(b) Find the percentage of the passengers from Hong Kong who got off at Guangzhou

回答 (2)

2007-01-02 6:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
you should have learnt equation during primary, rite?

(a) Let X be the remaining passengers on train when it left Shenzhen,

X=76 / (1-75%)

(b) Total number of Hong Kong passengers= 304 + 96
= 400

Number of passengers got off at Guangzhou = 304 x 75%
= 228

Percentage of passengers got off at Guangzhou = 228 / 400
= 57%

2007-01-02 10:51:21 補充:
2007-01-02 6:23 pm
96 + [76 / (1 - 0.75)]
= 400

[(400 - 96) x 0.75 / 400] x 100%
= 57%

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 21:24:32
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