資詢會( 英文 )??????

2007-01-02 3:14 pm
資詢會( 英文 )??????

回答 (2)

2007-01-03 9:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
諮詢會: Consultation meeting
諮詢會是諮詢参与者的意見,故此是 consultation。
例: Patients Groups Consultation Meeting. 病人組識諮詢交流會

2007-01-03 13:07:57 補充:
Another exampe:In line with para 108-109 of the Tunis Agenda for the Information Society, ITU, UNESCO and UNDP organised a consultation meeting of WSIS Action Line Moderators/Facilitators, in Geneva, on 24 February 2006,
2007-01-02 4:06 pm
Inquiring meeting
參考: me

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