
2007-01-02 10:51 am
本人只讀到中五修業~有5年物流工作經驗~25year old~

回答 (5)

2007-01-02 11:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
老實講... 要讀大學最快既方法就錯過左.. ( ce > al > 大學)
如果你讀dip 果d ,入大學日校既機會又好低..
so. 你真係真係好想讀既話..
返去repeat 中5, 比心機考al. 上大學日校先最大機會

我個朋友 (真人真事)
佢24歲. ce完左得7定8 分, 就去左讀design
讀完曬之後. 都覺得讀大學先最緊要..
返返去重讀中5, 半工讀..
比佢拎到18分,, 之後宜家讀中7啦~
如果你係有心既.. 一定得.

我計既係大學日校.讀dip 果d 我唔知啦..
工聯會果d 唔得嫁

希望幫到你.. 有心讀一定讀到..
參考: me
2007-01-07 5:44 am
建議你可以讀hku space,part-time讀,可由Advanced Certificate 讀起then professional diploma~ then bachelor,有心讀,永遠都唔會遲~

1. SE 59-109-00 (61)
Advanced Certificate in Logistics and Transport Studies

CEF Course Code

Entry Requirements
Applicants should

* either, have 5 passes in HKCEE, including English (Syllabus B) and Mathematics, and have 2 years' relevant work experience;
* or, 1 year's relevant work experience at a supervisory level;
* or, an Affiliate Member or above of The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Hong Kong (CILT).

Day(s) / Time
2 evenings a week, starting December 2006.
About 6 months
* Course Fee: $9,550 (subject to approval)

2. SE 59-110-00 (62)
Professional Diploma in Logistics and Transport Management

CEF Course Code

Entry Requirements
Applicants should

* be at least 18 years of age and:
* either, satisfy the HKU Regulations or have equivalent qualifications;
* or, MILT;
* or, have a Higher Diploma in Transport Studies or a Diploma in Business Studies (Freight Transport) from the HKIVE, with 2 years' relevant post-qualification work experience;
* or, have an HKU SPACE Certificate in Transport Studies, with at least grade C in either 'Introduction to Transport Studies' or 'Introduction to Transport Economics';
* those who do not have the above, but prosses 5 years of relevant working experience, with at least 3 years at managerial level, will also be considered.

Day(s) / Time
March 2007
2 years (minimum) or 6 years (maximum)
Medium of Instruction
English and supplemented by Chinese

3. MK 05-804-00 (63)
Bachelor of Commerce (Logistics & Marketing)

Curtin University of Technology, Australia

CEF Course Code

Entry Requirements
Applicants should

* either, have a Professional Diploma in Business Logistics awarded by HKU SPACE, or other suitable academic or professional qualifications.
* and, be proficient in English as shown by HKCEE (Syllabus B) grade C, or TOEFL 550, or in IELTS overall score or 6.0. Applicants below the basic English qualification will be required to take a Curtin University Test in English.

* Course Fee: AUD$1,150 per unit
2007-01-03 11:52 pm
你會full time讀嗎?
其實你廿五歲又有五年工作經驗, 其實可以直接以mature student身份報本港大學的課程呢!!
2007-01-02 11:37 pm
I can tell you the fastest way that you can study in university - The Open University of Hong Kong

The Open University of Hong Kong is government set up and the entry requirement is age 17 of citizen in Hong Kong, most courses only have this requirement only, also some courses you can take by chinese if you don't want to study in english. The university has four schools - arts and social science, business, science and technology and education and languages. you can choose one course inside this four schools.

The university has wide range of flexible, you can study in certificate, associate degree or bachelor degree, also the study period is according to how many courses student take in one semester, normally student study a bachelor degree need 6 years and school fee is about $100,000 - $120,000.

soon will start a new semester, you can go to their information seminars to get some information, if you have interest, you can try one course and some courses can have 50% school fee deduction.

you can also see this website

hope that I can answer you question la~
2007-01-02 5:23 pm
25year old ~ 科技大學持續進修學院工商管理高級文憑課程
Entry Requirements: Applicants should: ... or be F.7 graduates or aged 21 or above

目標想讀到大學~ University of Glamorgan
應該從那裡入手呢? 科技大學持續進修學院工商管理高級文憑課程
想快的~ 3 years
工商管理高級文憑 2 years part-time + BA (Hons) Management and Business (final year)
Advanced Diploma in Business Administration 工商管理高級文憑課程

http://www.cl3.ust.h k/chi/programs/progr am_open_detail.asp?s electBy=open&pro gram_id=233

Program Duration:
2 years part-time
Entry Requirements: Applicants should: ... or be F.7 graduates or aged 21 or above
- and be proficient in English and computer literate
Students who have successfully completed both Year 1 and Year 2 study and passed all assessment of this program will be awarded an Advanced Diploma in Business Administration. Graduates may apply for admission to the final year top-up program of BA (Hons) in Management and Business of the Univerisity of Glamorgan, subject to fulfillment of entry requirements.

BA (Hons) Management and Business (final year)
http://www.cl3.ust.h k/chi/programs/progr am_detail.asp?select By=Subject&type_ id=32&program_id =292
Entry Requirements: Applicants should have:
- HKUST CL3's Advanced Diploma in Business Administration / Human Resource Management / Marketing / International Business Management, or other institutions' Higher Diploma, Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree (or equivalent) in disciplines adressed by the program; and
- Attained IELTS score of at least 6.0 (or TOEFL 550)

有關英語學習的資訊與及ielts的考試預備, 請參考
http://hk.geocities. com/easy9756/index.h tm#5

http://www.emb.gov.h k/index.aspx?nodeID= 2254&langno=2
University of Glamorgan ; ; ; ; ; ; http://www.glam.ac.u k/
http://www.cl3.ust.h k/chi/news/250705b.h tml
英國 University of Glamorgan 的商學院曾榮獲英國政府頒布為首二十名英國最具教學質素商學院之一。University of Glamorgan 在英國大學擁有十分高的排名,甚至被譽為威爾斯最高學府。University of Glamorgan 已承認香港科技大學持續進修學院所舉辦的課程,本學院的學生只要能夠完成有關課程,便可直接入讀 University of Glamorgan 的工商管理文學士學位課程。
http://www.cl3.ust.h k/chi/news/210606.ht ml
今年九月,香港科技大學持續進修學院(科大CL3)與University of Glamorgan首度在本港推出 BA (Hons) Management and Business 銜接課程, 是商界管理人士充實和更新專業知識、延展終身學習理念的理想途徑。此銜接課程,由University of Glamorgan 設計和教授,旨在為學員於已掌握的實用商業技巧之上,增添準確、犀利的分析思維優勢。
本課程由4個必修和2選修課程組成,包括商業策略、信息系統管理與轉化、機構學習與發展。學習中的一個主要特色是個人及小組課題研究。通過課題研究,學員有機會學習專題研究、解決問題和項目管理等技巧。所有課程均由University of Glamorgan的導師教授,並由科大CL3提供導修課。成功畢業者,將取得相當於在英國修讀本課程的學歷榮銜。
http://www.indexedu. com.tw/university/un i_list.php?uni_no=60
2000年,《每日電訊報》將格拉摩根大學University of Glamorgan評為教學質量最佳的五所現代大學之一。在最近的一項調查中,格拉摩根大學畢業生在畢業後的六個月內就業或繼續深造的比例為88%,全英的平均比例為85.5%,而威爾士地區的比例則為87%。
http://www.uker.net/ article/ShowArticle. asp?ArticleID=112
University of Glamorgan 大學優勢
英國「高等教育質量保障局」(QAA) 將學校的12個學科教育列為「優秀」等級,大學的商學院在威爾士排名第一,其商業教學課程被評為全英大學僅有的20佳課程之一。
央視國際 (2005年01月11日 15:50)
http://big5.cctv.com /abroad/special/C133 72/20050111/101998.s html
格拉摩根大學 University of Glamorgan 是一所擁有80多年的教學歷史和極具時尚魅力的現代化教學設施,並被大自然環抱的動感校園,吸引著來自世界各地60多個國家的優秀學子。學校為教學型大學,充分保證了學生在校學習的品質。由於學校在教學上注重學生能力的培養,所以該校培養的學生被各機構廣泛認可,就業率高達94%。

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