
2007-01-02 9:59 am

回答 (3)

2007-01-02 10:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
2007-01-02 1:48 pm
Paco started to work in the industry in 70's .
The first artist he signed in WEA was George Lam Chi Cheung , then Sally Yeh , Mark Cheng , Cherry Choi , Taichi, Beyond , Sandy Lam ,Wong Kit .....................
It was long time ago in 80's & 90's !
Then he left WEA & turned into Go East & started he own company Gold Label .

2007-01-02 05:52:22 補充:
Paco never join 新藝寶 , It was Go East !新藝寶 is the sub-label of Universal & also Go East . Kelly belongs to Go East too !
2007-01-02 10:28 am
Kelly 啊~~

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