港龍Management Trainee

2007-01-02 9:54 am
我見十一月十二月時, 佢網頁話late december會有詳情公布
最近, click MT果頁, 佢就轉左話看到job opportunities度睇
但入到job opportunities度, 都見唔到有MT位既
最近的只係19/12POST上去既 cadet pilot咋喎

回答 (1)

2007-01-08 6:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Likely they have things deferring the postings. You may call them directly and ask politely when the openings will be announced.

If the HR officer who answers your call happens to be in a good mood, you may ask him/her more details such as how many openings on this recruiting round, will they be planning to get more newbies from engineering discipline or management or others, when was the last MT recruit and were they happy with the results.... ask smart and relevant questions.

Never ask things like "how much salary, "will I have 7 or 14 days annual leave", "will I have good prospects", "what questions will be asked during interview"... they are stupid questions in this stage.

If the officer will not like to talk about those with you not be too pushy and off you go.

Good luck.
參考: C How said

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