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如果我持旅遊簽證入境美國,可以在美轉成學生簽證嗎? not too likely
需要什麽手續? 和需要大約多少費用?
此外,i-20是什麽?是一份表格還是信件?It is an acceptance letter from the school to say they will admit you to enroll
可否在公立中學獲得?If you are not american, you are probably not be able to get into public high school
如果我係美國某間私立學校度拿左i-20,係咪一定要係那間學校度讀完中學課程?If you get an I 20 from another school then you can transfer
及學生簽證在美國有效期幾耐?Depends on the VISA
如果我在中學時辦了學生簽證,那讀大學時需要換嗎?Yes, school's name and address got to be on the VISA, basically if you go to a high school, your visa will expire when you are suppose to graduate and you will have to apply for another student visa for college/uni
如果在港辦理學生簽證,成功的機會大嗎?(如已有i-20) Given you have all the required documents, i didn't find it hard
使用學生簽證可以在美工作嗎?Depends. You can work on Credit internships. Meaning the class you enrol in required internship and you can work. You also get to work One year after graduation (after 4 yrs of college)
如果在港完成中五後,可以在美攻讀什麽學校?大學還是中學? High School, Grade 12