我想買cap 帽, 但我個頭很大, 請問有乜地方有大size cap 帽買.謝謝

2007-01-02 1:43 am
有牌子都可以, 價錢吾想吟貴.

回答 (3)

2007-01-04 7:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
哈哈~~ 我個頭都好大呀,買cap帽 都好難,最近係adlib 買左頂 dot 柄 lorry cap,個size 都幾 fit,同埋顯得個頭無咁大呀hohoho, 你可以去睇下,地址係 旺角潮流特區地庫,但舖號就唔記得喇~ sorry!! 價錢都okay $ 180 ja, 希望幫到你啦 ^^
2007-01-02 2:46 am
普通d cap帽後面有得較架.
2007-01-02 1:55 am
i don't know where are the big hats , but i know there's a shop is Tsim Sha Tsui which sells hats named Lids, there are many, the whole shops are selling hats, maybe u can get one from here. They should have different kind and sizes of hats.
參考: me

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