My name is Leung Wai Shan, Natalie. I was born in Shenzhen. I’m currently 12 years old. I am now studying in LST Leung Kau Kai Primary School (Branch). I’m he of one sibling in my family. My father works as a portage people while my mother is a housewife. My hobby include pizza. My favorite subject in school right now is English because English is an international language.
我的名字叫梁XX (u should know your own name la, 唔冼釋啦?!),英文名叫Natalie. 出生於深圳.現年十二歲, 就讀於路德會梁鉅鏐小學. 我是家中獨女, 我的父親是一名郵差(?) or 速遞員(?),母親則是一名家庭主婦. 比薩是其中一種我喜歡的食物. 在學校, 英文是我現時最喜歡的科目, 因為英文是一種國際性語言.
(Sorry, for the second half I don't really understand what you are trying to say, so I make up a bit of it.
For your information:-
I’m he of one sibling in my family.
My hobby include pizza