哈利波特 阿茲卡班的逃犯... 15 分嫁!! 搵下資料就得嫁啦!! 入黎啦~

2007-01-02 12:24 am
哈利波特 阿茲卡班的逃犯...
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban...
唔該幫我搵下套戲ge 內容呀... (不過一定要係英文)
英文... plz!!

15 分嫁!!

回答 (4)

2007-01-02 12:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
主演: 丹尼爾域基夫(Daniel Radcliffe), 魯拔格連特(Rupert Grint), 愛瑪華生(Emma Watson), 湯費頓(Tom Felton), 加利奧文(Gary Oldman), 大衛杜里斯(David Thewlis)

13 year-old Harley does not have may napier be possible to have to think the ritual mother's sister's husband village another summer vacation in prestige agriculture Germany. By chance, mother's sister's husband elder sister elder sister Aunt Masurium Ji arrives visits, and lives in Germany thinks in the ritual. Aunt Masurium Ji the disposition will be overbearing, likes using strength to bully the weak, unintentionally humiliates Harley frequently, was mad he will use the black magic to cause Aunt Masurium Ji the whole body ballooning, will look like a big sphere, will flutter to the midair in. Harley is afraid the prestige agriculture mother's sister's husband and wears ni aunt's penalty, more serious is he can by the Hogue China this black magic school dismisal, because he has offended the underage black magic restriction on use laws and regulations in the hemp melon world, therefore he left Germany to think the ritual. Harley alone arrives on the jet black street, meets colorful purple three buses “the knight public vehicle”. He rides “the knight public vehicle” to London's broken cauldron bar. When he arrives at the destination, black magic department Minister Connie kept Master Si ‧ already to wait for him. Because Connie keeps Master Si ‧ Harley not to offend the evil spirit legal community laws and regulations to punish him, until on the contrary, he arranges Harley to live the vacation finished in the broken cauldron bar returns to the Hogue China this black magic school up to. Actually, because Connie kept Master Si ‧ not to pursue Harley to leave the black magic world is notorious criminal sirius ‧ Blake runs away the prison in the Ards card class jail. Hands down, sirius ‧ Blake is bends down the evil spirit supporter, 13 years ago, bent down the evil spirit to massacre Harley's parents, but this sirius ‧ Blake ran away the prison goal is pursues kills Harley. But the only security place then is the Hogue China this black magic school. Too bad is the evil spirit legal community most scared prison guard, urges the crazy evil spirit to enter and be stationed in the campus. He is responsible to protect Harley and school far away sirius ‧ Blake, urges the crazy evil spirit to be possible to attract game's soul, makes in the campus a piece to be frightened by the slightest sound. Makes one with difficulty explain is urges the crazy evil spirit not to be able to attract Harley's soul. Urges the crazy evil spirit the appearance enable Harley to have the unlucky omen, and frightens absolutely terrifiedly, feels extremely no use to. Until teaches to take office professor black black magic defense technique road even professor to appear newly. Professor Lu Ping trains Harley to use protects buddhist law the incantation to protect oneself, causes to urge the crazy evil spirit the black magic to be invalid. The Harley third years in the Hogue China this black magic school life sufficient thrilling stimulation, the side appeared very many new friends and the thing exactly, for example have half horse half bird's black magic monster hawk horse, the frightening death omen “the dog spirit” and so on. Also had several times the appalling risk, secretly entered likely lives Mi Cun, explains robs the map body the secret, as well as to the scream room terrorist journey. Harley and the inconceivable sirius ‧ Blake's resistance is inevitable, but Professor Lu Ping actually and does day ruthless star ‧ Blake have may relate? But endolithic Professor Bo hides what is the secret? Why Rong En can the pet stained go crazy resembles flees Rong En the bosom? All sorts of questions, Harley needs to encourage, the black magic, the support to be able to explain and to open the sirius ‧ Blake's true status!

2007-01-03 11:37 pm
丹尼爾域基夫(Daniel Radcliffe),
魯拔格連特(Rupert Grint),
愛瑪華生(Emma Watson),
湯費頓(Tom Felton),
加利奧文(Gary Oldman),
大衛杜里斯(David Thewlis)

Approaching his third year at Hogwarts, Harry Potter has had enough of his muggle relatives. He runs away from them (finally) and enters his third term facing trouble from more than one side: for using magic outside the school and from the news that a notorious criminal, serial killer Sirius Black, has escaped the wizard's prison at Azkaban and apparently is headed for Harry. The school calls in supernatural help against Black in the form of Dementors, but unusual things continue to put Harry in peril. He is thrown into a confusing panoply of shifting alliegences and shifting shapes where nobody is who or what they seem. Who is the real criminal? What is the real crime? Who is telling or knows the t
2007-01-03 3:33 am
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

艾方素卡朗 Alfonso Cuaron

丹尼爾域基夫 Daniel Radcliffe
愛瑪華生 Emma Watson
魯拔格連特 Rupert Grint
加利奧文 Gary Oldman

哈利波特升上三年級了,占卜學教授卻對他發出可怕的預言,到底『佛地魔的僕人』指的是誰?暑假 才剛結束,阿茲卡班監獄就發生了空前的越獄事件!傳言逃犯天狼星就是十三年前出賣了詹姆和莉莉 的人!他將矛頭指向哈利波特,連一向安全的霍格華茲學校,也進駐了魔法界最令人膽寒的獄卒『催 狂魔』負責守護,校園裡一片風聲鶴唳,而哈利波特每次接觸催狂魔時都會昏倒……

UA黃埔、太古城中心、數碼港百老匯、Palace IFC、奧海城百老匯、
2007-01-02 9:36 pm
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban -

導演 :艾方素卡朗 Alfonso Cuaron

主要演員 :
丹尼爾域基夫 Daniel Radcliffe .... Harry Potter
愛瑪華生 Emma Watson .... Hermione Granger
魯拔格連特 Rupert Grint .... Ron Weasley
加利奧文 Gary Oldman .... Sirius Black

片類 : 動作歷險

上影日期 : 2004年7月8日

哈利波特升上三年級了,占卜學教授卻對他發出可怕的預言,到底『佛地魔的僕人』指的是誰?暑假 才剛結束,阿茲卡班監獄就發生了空前的越獄事件!傳言逃犯天狼星就是十三年前出賣了詹姆和莉莉 的人!他將矛頭指向哈利波特,連一向安全的霍格華茲學校,也進駐了魔法界最令人膽寒的獄卒『催 狂魔』負責守護,校園裡一片風聲鶴唳,而哈利波特每次接觸催狂魔時都會昏倒……

Approaching his third year at Hogwarts, Harry Potter has had enough of his muggle relatives. He runs away from them (finally) and enters his third term facing trouble from more than one side: for using magic outside the school and from the news that a notorious criminal, serial killer Sirius Black, has escaped the wizard's prison at Azkaban and apparently is headed for Harry. The school calls in supernatural help against Black in the form of Dementors, but unusual things continue to put Harry in peril. He is thrown into a confusing panoply of shifting alliegences and shifting shapes where nobody is who or what they seem. Who is the real criminal? What is the real crime? Who is telling or knows the truth?

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