
2007-01-01 11:42 pm
如考了,請給我一些「貼士」! 謝謝!

回答 (4)

2007-01-05 2:56 am
✔ 最佳答案

Exam大既分為 3 part ,1.reading and writing 2. listening 3. speaking

1.reading and writing好容易,形式和上劍橋課程時派的workbook一模一樣,只是內容 change咗。最緊要串好生字和記熟文法,咁就容易攞高分 (我在reading and writing攞到滿分,即是5個盾。)

2.listening相對就比較困難,因為段錄音是外國人錄,所以有D外國口音,我要勁留心聽同加上自己的想像力才填到個答案,我建議你買多D英文CD聽,會有幫助 (我在listening衰左,得4個盾。)

3.speaking話難唔難,話易唔易,要睇你遇到邊個人!我就遇到一個勁好的女人,我當時一入到去就講good morning,點知個陣是下午,之後開始考,有找錯處,互問互答,看圖講故事,我不斷吃縲絲,但我竟然攞到5個盾。speaking時要有信心,就算聽唔明都唔好一臉困惑咁望住人地,要有禮貌。

參考: 自己經驗
2007-01-02 7:51 am
I have been done Flyers yet in November. It is so easy. It has 3 parts in the exam.

It about:




Speaking have 4th part

1st part:Find the diffenrent part in cardinate's picture and examiner's picture.

2nd part:The cardinate will give you a paper,and he/she will ask you some questions which in he/she paper does not has.And then you can ask he/she some questions which your paper do not have.

3rd part:Examiner will give you five picture.And he/she will give about one to two minutes.And you may talk the story to he/she.

4th part:Examiner will ask you some question which is about your日常生活.

Listening Part:Easy

Reading &Writing:Easy also.
參考: 啱啱exam完
2007-01-01 11:55 pm
其實劍橋試(Flyers) 與(Flyers)的workbook大至上是一樣


聽多D listening

睇多D story Book

參考: 祝你成功!!!!
2007-01-01 11:50 pm
好 easy ga! 多D做佢俾 ge exercise 同埋 oral 嘅時候入去&走時同考官 say hello& goodbye, keep smile & talk more ng識講可以做動作 佢通常會問你考完之後去做乜,求其up D 嘢就得 ga la! 我都攞咗 full marks ! GOOD LUCK

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