
2007-01-01 10:37 pm
Where do you study ? << 呢句點答?
Which class are you in? << 呢句點答?
How many members are there in your family?Who are they?<< 呢句點答?
Are you a monitor or prefect?What duties do you perfrom?Have you learnt anythingfrom it?How do you feel<< 呢句點答?
How do you preform in school?What achievements have you got?<< 呢句點答?
What activites have you joined in school?Why do you choose these activities instead of other ?What is your expectation?<< << 呢句點答?


回答 (2)

2007-01-01 11:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Where do you study ? (你在邊道讀書) ---> I study at ________ (我在_______讀)

Which class are you in? (你讀邊一個班) ---> My class is ___ (我班係___)

How many members are there in your family?Who are they? (你家有幾個人? 佢哋係邊個?) ---> There are __ members in my family. They are ___________ (我家有__人. 佢哋係我____________)

Are you a monitor or prefect?What duties do you perform?Have you learnt anything from it?How do you feel? (你係唔係學生長? 在學校做啲咩? 學到啲咩? 覺得點?)

How do you perform in school?What achievements have you got? (你的學業點嘅? 有冇得到任何獎?)

What activites have you joined in school?Why do you choose these activities instead of other ?What is your expectation? (你在學校參加咗咩活動? 你點解會揀佢? 希望會點?)

2007-01-01 16:07:39 補充:
答 4. I am ___. I perform ___. I have learnt ___. I feel ___. (我係___. 我做___. 我學到___. 我覺得___.) 答 5. My performance in school is ___. I have acheived ___. (我學業___. 得到___.) 答 6. I have joined ___ in school. I choose it because ___. I expect to ___. (我在學校參加咗__活動. 我揀佢因為__. 我希望__)
參考: 自己
2007-01-02 12:07 am
Where do you study ? I study in Hong Kong/Australia/United States.

Which class are you in? I am in Form 5/Primary 6.

How many members are there in your family?Who are they? There are 6 members in my family. They are my parents, 2 brothers, 1 sister and grandmother.

Are you a monitor or prefect?What duties do you perfrom?Have you learnt anythingfrom it?How do you feel? No, I'm not / Yes, I am a monitor, responsible for many duties for our class, such as distributing & collecting our homework, cleaning the blackboard, maintain the order in class. As a monitor, I learn how to organize our works, coordinate with classmates and time management. I feel a sense of responsibility and I am really proud of it. Yes, I am also a perfect. My main duties are to maintain the order and discipline of students in school. I need to report to our disciplinary officer at school when I see some students have broken the rules of school.

How do you preform in school?What achievements have you got? I perform quite well, especially in music, sports and arts. I have earned a gold medal of the music contest in 2006, silver prize of the football team in 2005, certificate of photo-taking contest in 2004, etc.

What activites have you joined in school?Why do you choose these activities instead of other ?What is your expectation? I have joined many extra-curricular activities in school. e.g. music society, putonghua club, chinese cultural society, sports team and boy scout. I choose them because I am really interested in them and they can improve my social skill, communication skill and creativity.I expect to meet many new friends, build my confidence and have all-round development.

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