Physics 問題conduction

2007-01-01 10:03 pm
如果object A 的specific heat capacity 比object B 高, 咁object A particles 的specific heat capacity 都比object B particles 的specific heat capacity 高??

如果係ge 話, 點解specific heat capacity 高唔會令conduction 慢D??
一枝棒的一端被火燒, temperture different, so heat transfer to 棒一端的particles, 但D particles temperature 要比第二排particles 的 高先有heat transfer. 咁specific heat capacity 高咪會影響temperture raise 既time lor??hence令conduction 慢D

回答 (1)

2007-01-02 2:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
It should be highly mentioned that conduction rate is INDEPENDENT of the specific heat capavity on an object.

[Heat Conduction]
Heat conduction is the transmission of heat across matter.
The law of heat conduction, also known as Fourier's law, states that the time rate of heat flow Q through a slab (i.e. the rate of conduction) is proportional to the gradient of temperature difference:


Q is the time rate of heat flow through a slab,
Δt is the change in time,
k is a conductivity constant (dependent on the nature of the material and its temperature),
A is the transversal surface area,
ΔT is the temperature difference through which the heat is being transferred,
Δx is the thickness of the body of matter through which the heat is passing.
From this equation, it should be noticed that conduction is independent of specific heat capacity.
[Specific Heat Capacity]

Specific heat capacity, also known simply as specific heat (Symbol: C or c) is the measure of the heat energy required to raise the temperature of one unit mass of a substance (thus, the name “specific” heat) by one kelvin/degree Celcius.

It is only dependent to the material of the mass. Thus, the specific heat capacity of an object actually equals to the specific heat capacity of the particles inside this object.

Hope the above information helps =)

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