
2007-01-01 9:07 pm
我想問英文作文題目係mission of education 有咩point可以講下?

回答 (1)

2007-01-01 9:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
to help students acquire the techniques, skills and attitude of "learning to learn"
to develop students knowledge base
to develop students interests in learning
to enable students to develop appreciation in learning
to develop postive moral attitude/ responsibility towards the society
to develop postive sense and recognition about oneself and the others
to help students understand the importance of learning
to raise the education level, and hence the quality fo the future working force and the competitiveness of HK
to improve the our society through raising the general education standard

these are some ponits that I could think of...
some suggestion for you.... you can go the the websites of the faculty of education of various university, like HKU, CU or IEdu...and also the EMB.they could give you some broad ideas about education and terminologies for your composition. My first idea comes from HKU
參考: someone who has taken the cert in edu a few years ago

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