
2007-01-01 9:01 pm

回答 (5)

2007-01-01 9:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The heart beats around 70 times per minute, pumping (blood with low oxygen content) or (deoxygenated blood) to the lungs. At the lungs, carbon dioxide is released from the blood while oxygen is uploaded. It takes less than one second for the blood to become oxygenated. The heart then pumps the oxygenated blood to other parts of the body.
2007-01-01 9:32 pm
The heart beats 70 times every minute, include being low oxygen blood pump to the lung. The blood releases the carbon dioxide and absorbs the oxygen in the lung, become high and include oxygen blood, it does not take one second . Then the heart will reach body every part of the fresh blood pump .
2007-01-01 9:19 pm
The heart beats 70 times every minute, and pumps the low oxygen blood to the lung. The blood releases the carbon dioxide and absorbs the oxygen in the lung and becomes high oxygen blood within one second. Afterwards, the heart will pump the the fresh blood to every part of the body.
2007-01-01 9:11 pm
the heart beats 70 times every one min, then the deoxygenated blood will pump to the lung. Blood in the lung will release carbon dioide and absorbs oxygen, becoming the oxygenated blood, the whole process occus within a minute. After that, the heart will pump the blood all over the body.
參考: rtyudy
2007-01-01 9:09 pm
The heart beats 70 times each minute, include being low oxygen blood pump to the lung. The blood releases the carbon dioxide and absorbs the oxygen in the lung, become high and include oxygen blood, it does not take one second . Then the heart will reach body every part of the fresh blood pump.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 20:19:29
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