Is it a fate or just just a maths result (statistics)?

2007-01-01 7:29 pm
Peter has two girlfriends. He can't figure out which one he likes better. He decided to leave it to fate. He would walk up to the bus stop outside his house. He will visit the girlfriend that the next bus arrives and takes him to.

Over time, he found that he is visiting one girlfriend 3 times more often. Assume all bus services are equally frequent. Should he accept his fate, or someone can help to explain by noraml distribution etc maths model?

回答 (2)

2007-01-03 2:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
The frequency is constant. Assume after time T, the bus will arrive.
at t=nT, Bus A arrive.
at t=nT+0.25T, Bus B arrive.
So, if he arrive the bus stop at the time interval (nT) to (nT+0.25T) He will get on Bus B. But if he arrive the bus stop at the time interval (nT+0.25T)to ((n+1)T), he will get on to Bus A.
Time interval for him to get on Bus A is three times that of get on Bus B, so it is very easy to understand why the difference exist.

2007-01-11 22:36:27 補充:
2007-01-10 6:59 am
It should be an exponential distribution but not a normal distribution. However, if the number of cases increases, you can approximate it to be a standard normal one.

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