避重就輕 既英文

2007-01-01 1:23 pm
請問有無人識譯 避重就輕 既英文?

回答 (5)

2007-01-01 6:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
避重就輕既英文:Evades the important questions for the easy
2007-01-05 5:42 pm
避重就輕 =Evades the important questions for the easy
2007-01-01 6:31 pm
Shirk the heavy work and choose the light
參考: me
2007-01-01 2:21 pm
Choose the easier way
2007-01-01 1:34 pm
"avoid/leave" the "hard/heavy" take the "easy/light" one

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