predominant/dominant? utmost/most? (with)others/one another?

2007-01-01 7:30 am
以下的三組字,查了幾部字典也找不出正確用法的分別, 請指教, 謝謝.

1. predominant/dominant
2. utmost/most?
3. (with)others/one another?

回答 (1)

2007-01-01 9:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Predominant和dominant都可以解是「強的、有勢力的」,但predominant有多一個「多數的」意思。
In John's family, his mom is the dominant/predorminant figure.
The dorminant/predorminant factor in the decision is the benefits to the employees.
The residents living in this neighbourhood are predominantly retired individuals.

2. most + adject, utmost + noun
This letter is the most important.
This letter is of utmost importance.

3. one another = among each one, others = excluding the subject
Let's help one another. (=Let's help each other)
John, please help the others. (Please help other people)

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