
2007-01-01 5:55 am


回答 (4)

2007-01-01 6:23 am
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With teaching close relation on Mother's Day in Spain and Portugal. December 8 commemorate the day that the agate has inferior strength of the Blessed Virgin Mary , it is the children festival of expressing the love to mother at the same time . Mother's Day French is like a birthday party held for the whole family even more . Mother's Day is fixed on the last Sunday in May France, the whole family get together and enjoy dinners, the meal finishes the end and produces a cake cooked for mother. Sweden celebrates Mother's Day on the last Sunday in May. In will it be eve Mother's Day, Sweden Red Cross is it hold whom mother that plastics make spend sell for charity to know, will sell incomes for charity as supporting the funds for holidays which will educate mother with a lot of children. The Mother's Day in Japan and North America country are on the same day. This day every four years, there is a world touring exhibition of paintings , show to the paintings ' my mother ' whom the child six to 14 years old drew of the age.
2007-01-01 7:04 pm
Spanish and Portugal's Mother's Day then has close relationship with the church. In December eight are commemorates Mary Masurium Liya the day, simultaneously also is the children expresses to mother's love holiday. But French's Mother's Day then the picture is the birthday meeting which holds for the whole family. France Mother's Day decides in May last Sunday, the whole family gathers in the same place enjoys the supper, meal finishes the end to leave the cake which does for the mother. Sweden last Sunday celebrates the Mother's Day in May. The charity bazaar which in the Mother's Day eve, the Sweden Red Cross can obtained hold the mother which revertex system spend, the charity bazaar as the support nurtures has many children mother's vacation funds. Japan's Mother's Day and North America country same day. Every four years this day, all some world tour art exhibition, demonstrated by the age draws six "my mother" which to 14 year-old child the painting.
2007-01-01 2:07 pm
Spain and Mother's Day of Portugal are then and the church contain close relation.December eighth is the memorial Holy Mother Ma power second day, also are the loving festival that the children express to the mother.And Mother's Day of Frenchman then seems a birthday meeting that holds for the whole family more.French Mother's Day settles in May of the last Sunday, the whole family gets together to enjoy use of dinner, the meal carries a cake that is a mother and does fully.Sweden in May of celebrate Mother's Day for the last Sunday.The night before last in Mother's Day, Sweden Red Cross will hold the charity bazar that the mother whom the plastics makes spends, the charity bazar income will be the mother's holiday budget that sponsors to teach to have many kids.Mother's Day and national same days in North America of Japan.Each four all there is the circuit art exhibition in a world this day years, display "my mother" drawn by 6-14-year-old kid a painting by the age.
參考: ~自已~(係我答先...琴日冇哂回答數o>
2007-01-01 6:31 am
The Mother Days in Spain and Portugal have strong relation with the Church. The date December 8th is a day memorizing Saint.Mary and at the same time it expresses children's loves for their mothers. The Mother Day for French is just like the birthday celebration for the whole family. The Mother Day in France is set as the last Sunday in the month of May. The whole family would stay together to enjoy the dinner. At the last of dinner, a birthday cake for mother will be served.Sweden celebrates the Mother Day on the last Sunday in the Month of May.At the eve of the Mother Day, Sweden Red Cross launches an auction for plastic-made Motherly Flowers. The money raised from the auction will be used to sponsor the mothers who have a lot of children to enjoy their holidays. The Mother Days in Japan and North America are on the same day. Every four years there will be a world-wide gallary event to show the drawings of "My Mother" by children aged 6-14 years old.

收錄日期: 2021-04-19 14:12:51
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