
2007-01-01 5:38 am

回答 (2)

2007-01-01 6:00 am
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Last sunday afternoon,my parents and I visited the Ocean park.
When we got into the park, we were feeling really hot.
Therefore we decided to buy soft drinks from the stall and sat down for a while.
'Where shall we go first?"said mother.
"What do you think, Karen?"asked father.
I thought secretly,"This is not an easy decision-making!"
After thinking for a few minutes,
I finally decided to start from the roller coaster.
After the decision was made, we walked to the roller coaster with the drinks in our hands.
Suddenly, a little boy ran towards my mother 's direction and bumped into her.
Mother lost hold of her soft drink and it splashed all over my mother's skirt.
My mother screamed furiously, " Oh my God! My skirt is done!"
Father and I gave each other an embarrassed glance.
I thought nerviously, " Mom must be very angry now. We will not be able to have fun then. For God's sake, why do the parents of that little kid let him to run around the park ruthless? They are such terrible parents!"
The naughty kid, of course, run away immediately when mother wanted to catch him.
Mother was so upset that she cried," this skirt was given by your father in valentine's day. How can that stupid boy do such thing? How can I cope with this dirty skirt in the following time?"
Father gave me a blink and said sweetly, "Do not cry, honey. Let's go back to home immediately. There are still a lot of valentine's day ahead of us,right?"
I almost screamed when I heard what dad said.
I could not believe my ocean park trip was ruined completely by a devilish kid!
How unfortunate I was!
2007-01-01 6:36 am
it is your essay!

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