我想知SATIR MODEL的內容大概係講乜?

2007-01-01 4:16 am
所以想知SATIR MODEL既假設、目標、著眼點同做法係D乜

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沙維雅輔導模式 (Satir model) 因受著後現代思想,特別是經驗主義及存在主義的影嚮,故特別注重經驗層面對一個人的影嚮;這模式也綜合了現代科學的思想 - 對整體 / 系統的觀察及分析。
沙維雅女士認為家庭是最影嚮我們成長的一個系統,了解這個系統之後,你會更懂得選擇 - 當我們更懂得原諒自己,欣賞自己,也變得更自由,而且更懂得愛護身邊的人。沙維雅被公認為「家庭治療之母」、「家庭治療之哥倫布」及「眾人之家庭治療師」。 此課程適合於助人行業如社工、老師,及想深入認識自己從而幫助別人之人仕。

Professional training in the Satir Model is provided in year 2005. Courses available are Intermediate, Advanced and Advanced Professional.
Intermediate Course for Practitioners
This course is designed for frontline practitioners who have basic training in the Satir Model and who are interested in the further application of the concepts and techniques of the Model in working with individuals, couples, and families. There will be mini-lectures, role-plays, trio practice, videotape illustrations, and group discussions. Upon completion of this course, participants may join the two subsequent advanced courses offered by the Center - Therapy and Supervision in the Satir Model - Live Demonstration and Practicum, and then the Advanced Professional Course - Family Reconstruction.
Advanced Course for Practitioners - Live Demonstration and Practicum
This course is designed mainly for practitioners who have completed the Intermediate Course on Therapy in the Satir Model at the Center (or equivalent), and who have responsibility for supervising co-workers in counseling individuals, couples, and families. The focus of the course is practicum and live demonstration. Tapes of supervision sessions will be reviewed, and selected pieces re-worked. There will also be mini-lectures, role-plays, trio practice, videotape illustrations, group discussions and a written assignment. Attempts will be made to put together for publication participants’ written assignments that are of a publishable quality. Upon completion of this course, participants may join the Advanced Professional Course - Family Reconstruction.
Advanced Professional - Family Reconstruction in the Satir Model
This course is designed for frontline practitioners who have completed Therapy and Supervision in the Satir Model -- the Advanced Course for Practitioners at the Center (or equivalent), have participated in the Personal Growth Group of the Center (躍步個人成長小組 or equivalent), and who are interested in experiencing and learning to conduct Family Reconstruction, the unique instrument that reveals the soul and the power of the Satir Model. As this is an intensely experiential and reflective program, the quota for participants is limited to 20. Attempts will be made to put together for publication participants' written assignments that are of a publishable quality.

2007-01-04 22:19:26 補充:
輔導及心理學沙維雅模式(Satir Model)的「冰山」,及身心語言程序學(NLP)的「邏輯層次」。沙維雅模式:「冰山」行為 應對方式 感受 感受的感受 認知 期待 渴望 自我 沙維雅模式:「冰山」沙維雅模式的「冰山」,比喻每個人就好像一座冰山,若我們只顧及水面上的一角,卻忽略了水底下的部分,最終只會觸礁收場。人也是一樣,假如我們只看見學生的表面行為,而忽略了他們的內心世界,結果可能造成傷害。水底下的冰山,亦即是人的內心世界,包含了應對方式、感受、感受的感受、認知、期待、渴望及自我七個部分。

2007-01-04 22:20:10 補充:
沙維雅模式簡捷輔導課程Brief Counseling Course Using the Satir Model特 色:沙維維模式的輔導揉合輔導員的專業訓練及個人的持續成長,學員本身的個人修為和做人的態度,對人性系統的認知,輔導理論及技巧的掌握和運用,均為本課 程的學習目標。此外,本課程理論與實踐並重,學員隨了上課時互相練習外,每一階段之間也耍作真實個案的實習,由導師作督導,以提升學員做輔導工作的信心、 技能及一致性。
2007-01-01 4:50 am


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