✔ 最佳答案
Well, I can tell that you're a boy, so that fits perfectly. You must first understand the nature of girls and women, that they are different from boys and men. Women, they are usually touched by warm feelings and love. They are gentle and they mostly require understanding. That is why some women are very suspisious about their surroundings. Now men are firm and like their ways go straight forward. They are hard on the outside, but they are actually quite soft on the inside. They don't like bribes and they mostly require appreciation.
You must understand how your partner shows her love to you in a way. Women usually show their love by saying it or doing soothing movements, such as: stroking, petting, kissing... They have a lot of feelings, and they may seem more emotional than they really are.
Men show their love by doing it in actions. They do not speak it to their partner. They do not usually show their feelings, they hide it. They are sometimes annoyed by the fact that women are so emotional. This sometimes makes a misunderstanding between man and woman.
Girls like attention and effection, you should show your love to her in action. Words do not mean everything, they are just mouthfuls of air without feeling. Give her little gifts and praise her oftenly. She will soon understand that you have feelings for her and soon she would believe that you are her only one!
Remember that love is a mysterious thing. It can be blind and it can be visible; it could make you excited, it could make you depressed. Love and trust work together and it takes time to build up, but it can be smashed in just a second. Choose carefully and love that girl deeply, that's the way love works.
I hope you will find a girlfriend, one for life, one forever.
Remember, choose carefully and love deeply.
Respect her and her living ways.
Try to understand her, and dive into her world.
Don't ask someone to do something for you, instead ask yourself if there is anything you can do for that person.
Trust and love work together, and takes time to build up.
Best wishes and hope you will not be lonely anymore.
2007-01-05 14:20:07 補充:
Love is not two people gazing at each other, it is two people looking in the same direction.