有什麼方法改善本人之英文聆聽(注:中三Band 1 英中)

2007-01-01 2:12 am
有什麼方法改善本人之英文聆聽(注:中三Band 1 英中)

回答 (5)

2007-01-01 2:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
They are many different ways to improve your listening skills.

1. Listen to an english radio programme
The RTHK 3 (FM106.8) is a channel which offers different english programme. In the first stagve, I will recommend that you first listen to some Chinese news roundup, then switch to the channel and listen the English version; today's listening exams focus on daily and current affairs. By listening to the news I am sure you can learn not only English skills, but also to know more about the world.

2. Watch an english TV programme
Certainly the TVB Pearl and the ATV World give various kinds of english programmes; but again, I will recommend their news roundup---it has got captions in english! You may have noticed that many films in these channels provide Chinese captions, with those Chinese words we'll never listen to the conversations. So the english-captioned news will give you a better initiative to listen to more English.

3. Watch an english film
I mean pick a VCD and watch it at home. Press the "caption free" or the "caption in English" button so you will try your best to listen to the conversations.
Another good thing of watching a VCD film is that you can rewind or even rewatch the whole film, so even if you can't catch some phrases you can easily listen to them again.

Anyway, the most important point is that you try it yourself. It's good for an S3 guy to start to get aware of his english...hope that my idea help and good luck to you!
參考: from my own experience
2007-01-01 3:01 am
1. 同外國人傾計: 呢個方法可能唔係太可行, 不過我d listening都係咁學返黎既
2. 同老師用英文傾計: 如果你讀band1中學, 英文老師既水準應該唔錯, 如果你o個間有外籍老師就更好啦, 多d同佢地講野, 我諗佢地都好樂意同你講既
3. 做listening exercises: 好似maths咁, practice makes perfect
4. 聽BBC新聞: form three應該聽到好多內容嫁喇
2007-01-01 2:21 am
pearl 7:30p.m.有晚間新聞
跟得上就證明你listening gd架啦^^
2007-01-01 2:18 am
睇英文台, 但係唔好睇字幕, try to see if you are able to understand, the more you listen, the better you get
2007-01-01 2:16 am

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