interview tips or questions ~~~~quick

2006-12-31 11:57 pm
I have to go to a secondary school interview..please give me some tips or some questions that the secondary school teacher will ask me . be quick...helpful guides.~~~

回答 (1)

2007-01-01 12:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.)考官 : why do you choose this school?

你可以答 : Because this school provides me with lots of activities. I can develope myself better by joining them.
(因為呢間學校提供我好多活動.參加左呢d活動, 我可以好好咁發展自己.)

2.)考官 : if you can choose one thing to describe or represent youself, what would you choose ?
(如果你可以揀一樣野去形容或代表你, 你會揀咩野?)

你 : I would choose a seed to represent me. I'm thrist for knowledge and enlightenment. I would like to have teachers and other schoolmates to lead me to a right direction.

3.) *通常會問一d時事題..問你試抒己見..我中一個年..有個同學唔知太緊張定準備唔充足定點...個考官問我地覺得咩近期新聞最有趣...個同學講左911...個考官即刻面色大變...係咁係佢個file度寫d唔知咩...結果個個同學入唔到我個間中學..所以一定要小心聽問題..要識變通..同睇報紙準備充足d..*
參考: 入左一間唔錯既中學^^

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