F.1 maths.....╒急╛..有埋式呀~唔該~

2006-12-31 10:57 pm
1.Simplify the following expressions.
(a) (a³ x a² x b5<--係5次方.) 除(b x b² x a4<--係4次方)
(b) 3y³ x (2y ²)² x (-y)³
2.Simplify the following expressions and arrange the terms in ascending powers of the variables.
(a) (5-9y-y²) - [2y²-(6+2y)]
(b) (4-z²)+(z-z³)-(1-z+z²)

3.Expand the following expressions and arrange the terms in descending powers of the variables. (a) (n+6)(2n²+9n-1)


4.In the figure, ABCD is a rectangle. The length and the width of ABCD are(3a+1)cm and (2a+3)cm respectively. (a) Express the perimeter and the area of ABCD in terms of a. (b) If a = 5,find the perimeter and the area of ABCD.



回答 (2)

2006-12-31 11:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
a^5 啫係a嘅5次方
* 啫係 "成"

1a. (a³ x a² x b^5) / (b x b² x a^4)
=(a^5 x b^5) / (b^3 x a^4)

(b) 3y³ x (2y ²)² x (-y)³
=3y³ x (4y^4) x y^(-3)

2a. (5-9y-y²) - [2y²-(6+2y)]

=3 - z(z²+2z-2)
=3 - z[z²+2(z-1)]

3a. (n+6)(2n²+9n-1)
=2n^3 + 9n^2 - n + 12n^2 + 54n - 6
=2n^3 + 21n^2 +53n -6

perimeter: 2(3a+1) + 2(2a+3)
=6a+2 +4a+6

area: (3a+1)(2a+3)
=6a^2 +9a +2a +3
=6a^2 + 11a + 3
perimeter: 2(5*5 +4)
area: 6*25 +55+3

不過我想講呢d係form 3 嘅maths黎ga wo~
2006-12-31 11:23 pm
1(a) (a³ x a² x b5<--係5次方.) 除(b x b² x a4<--係4次方)
=a^3+2 xb^5 / b^1+2 x a^4
=a^5 x b^5 / b^3 x a^4

(b) 3y³ x (2y ²)² x (-y)³
=3y³ x 4y^4 x (-y³)
= -12y^10

2(a) (5-9y-y²) - [2y²-(6+2y)]
=5 - 9y - y^2 - {2y^2 - 6 - 2y}
=5 - 9y - y^2 - 2y^2 + 6 + 2y
=-3y^2 - 7y + 11

(b) (4-z²)+(z-z³)-(1-z+z²)
=4 - z^2 + z - z^3 - 1+ z - z^2
= -z^3 - 2z^2 + 2z + 3

3(a) (n+6)(2n²+9n-1)
=2n^3 + 9n^2 - n + 12n^2 + 54n - 6
=2n^3+21n^2 + 53n - 6

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