想學好spoken english可怎樣做?

2006-12-31 8:00 pm
我英文底子已頗好, 只是spoken總是聽起來很港式, 我很想可以有外國人般的accent. 自己已常看英文劇集但也不是很有進步...

回答 (3)

2006-12-31 8:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
To practice your accent is very difficult, since we do not have some of the pronounciations that the english has.

I personally trained myself by watching english TV first, and depending on which accent you want to learn, you then watch that type of programs.

THEN, for example, when the TV says: 'the weather today is going to be great!' then you repeat what it says with THAT accent until you get it. THEN use it as often as you can.

THEN learn more everyday. Once you get the basic pronounciation of that accent, it will be very easy to get the grip of the rest.

THEN, I started reading books and newspaper aloud with that accent. Again, when you are used to the accent, your mind will read and your mouth will speak of that accent.

(remember to do all the "speaking aloud" bits while everyone's out)

ps: I can now speak in American, English and Irish accents.
pps: Being able to speak with an accent does not mean your English is good, and visa versa. (Oh come on, look at those yobs in streets)
2006-12-31 8:06 pm
就算冇時間~抽15~20min 出黎同家人用英文溝通都得掛
2006-12-31 8:05 pm
去呢度看看, 必定幫到你。

講英文唔好, 係因為我們從未學過IPA。

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