
2006-12-31 7:32 pm


  部份歷史學家宣稱,最早慶祝母親節的可追溯於小亞細亞的小國佛里基亞。佛里基亞信奉的神祇中最重要的是眾神之母、天堂與大地之女--賽貝爾(Cybele)。每年,佛里基亞人都舉行慶祝儀式讚頌賽貝爾女神。而古希臘時期為讚美眾神之母-瑞(Rhea)也舉行春季節慶。羅馬帝國時期,具有像母親節意義的節慶也是為讚頌另一個眾神之母所舉行的-瑪格那瑪特(Magna Mater)。位於羅馬派拉庭山丘(Palatine Hill)的神廟便是為紀念瑪格那瑪特所建。紀念的儀式早在西元前250年便開始,並定名為「喜悅的慶典」(Festival of Hilaria)。這個羅馬宗教節慶從三月15到18號持續有三天之久。

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2006-12-31 7:54 pm
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Initial legend

As for the historian in the part, Japan's of Haha turning over and being able to go back to the radical the first Haya by declaring celebrate sub-in Buddha of the small country in Asia Minor. General public's god's female and heaven are women in the earth. the most important in the god whom the radical sub-believes in in Buddha--Bell (Cybele) competes solving. It is praised that the sub-person of the radical holds all the congratulatory ceremonies in Buddha and the goddess of the bell competes every year. It admires for holding general public's god's (Rhea) female-happy at the time of of seventy-years-of-age and the celebration at the season of the straightening spring. The purpose is to be delighted and also for possession to praise case of - that another one general public's god's female held, especially (Magna Mater) the paragraph like the meaning on Mother's Day at the time of the Roman Empire. The purpose of being located in Rome is to commemorate case special place's of that sends the mausoleum of the god in hill (Palatine Hill) in the garden to be prolonged construction. The ceremony of commemoration waits by Nishimoto at the first 250 new years, names, and is "Pleased celebration. " (Festival of Hilaria). The paragraph of the religion of this Rome is delightedly and has a long term of three days from March of to 1518 days (title) continuing.
2006-12-31 8:09 pm
The early fable
part historian declared that, celebrates the Mother's Day to be possible most early to trace in Asia minor's small country Buddha Rickey Asia. The Buddha Rickey Asia believes in mother of, heaven and the earth female of the god 祇 most importantly numerous god--Match Bell (Cybele). Every year, the Buddha Rickey Asia people all hold the celebration ceremony to extol the match Bell goddess. But the ancient Greece time for praises mother of - Switzerland (Rhea) numerous god also to hold the spring season to celebrate. The Roman Empire time, has Mother's Day the significance festival to celebrate also is likely for extols - Masurium Genei Masurium Te who mother of the another numerous god holds (Magna Mater). Is located the Roman faction pulls the courtyard massif (Palatine Hill) the temple then is for commemorates Masurium Genei Masurium to construct especially. The commemoration ceremony as early as then starts in the A.D. previous 250 years, and chooses a name as “the joyful celebration” (Festival of Hilaria). This Roman religion festival celebrates from March continues 15 to 18 to have three days long time.
2006-12-31 8:01 pm
The term hilaria appears to have been used in two different contexts in ancient Rome. In the first case, it referred to any day to commemorate a variety of joyous occasions, public and private, such as marriages and births. In the second case, it referred to the celebrations on March 25, the last day of a four-day festival to honor Cybele, the mother of the gods, and her consort Attis.

As a religious festival, the Hilaria celebrated the resurrection of Attis. It followed two days of mourning, and was characterized by enthusiastic dances performed with drums, cymbals, and horns.

The cult of Cybele, also known as Agdistis and Magna Mater, was established in Asia Minor long before it was introduced in Rome in 204 BC. She was attended by the Corybantes and Dactyls, who honored her with wild music and dancing. Her eunuch priests in Rome, called galli, were thought to castrate themselves in imitation of her consort Attis.

This spring festival of Cybele and Attis actually takes place during March 22-25

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