英文文法的問題 Future tense

2006-12-31 6:48 pm
在future tense裏,什麼時侯用will, Be going to, is/am/are+ing

He is studying in Australia now but he will come back next week.
He is studying in Australia now but he is going to come back next week.
He is studying in Australia now but he is coming back next week.


will, Be going to, is/am/are+ing 之間又有什麼分別?



在句子中,怎樣可以知道用Will, 還是用 Be going to? Present continuous tense 中有一用法是這樣的: An action which we have planned to do in the near future 所以Present continuous tense可當作future tense去用嗎?

回答 (6)

2006-12-31 7:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
在future tense 中,,最基本既用法係 will+現在式
即是 He is studying in Australia now but he will come back next week.
第一句既用法就冇 be going to 用得咁肯定,,以及"就快" 的意思...
He is studying in Australia now but he is going to come back next week.
而第二句就有一個好肯定,,以及有"就快" 的意思
他現於澳洲讀書, 但他將會於下星期回來。
但是實上, 第一,二句既用法都冇太大的分別..而兩句既結構都都啱..

因為is/am/are+ing 係現在進行式,,
如果第三句(He is studying in Australia now but he is coming back next week.)
用左is/am/are+ing 的話, 個意思就會變成:
他現在於澳洲讀書, 但他正在下星期回來中。

因此, 結論是......
wil, be going to 都有將來的意思,
而is/am/are+ing 就有現在進行中的意思
所以is/am/are+ing 不算是future tense
參考: 自己
2007-11-16 1:27 am
Future tenes 可以用 be+ing / 真接用個verb 好肯定個時
2007-01-04 8:24 pm
will 係一般情況用
be going to 係想強調或者代表有計劃做某件事
用present continous tense係更加肯定會做
e.g. Peter is arriving at 8pm tonight.

P.S. 一個tense可以有唔同既用法..
2006-12-31 7:05 pm
He is studying in Australia now but he will come back next week.
because will=next week so is 對
參考: me
2006-12-31 7:02 pm
Be going to:一定會做的.......已經sure會做ga la~
is/am/are+ing :你做開果一樣野.....
2006-12-31 6:55 pm
He is studying in Australia now but he will come back next week.

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